Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's been 20 years!

Dave and I finally got away for a couple of days without the kids and went to Dallas, TX to visit my best friend, Roxanne and her growing family as well as attend my 20th High School Reunion. The reunion was pretty weird as was being childless for two whole days. The highlight of our trip though was going to the Texas State Fair and dancing at Gilley's on Friday night. Roxanne and I actually talked our husbands into riding the mechanical bull (like from "Urban Cowboy"). Looking cuter than John Travolta and riding one second longer than Sherman (Rox's hubby), here is a picture of Dave on the bull.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Last Day of Summer

During one of those rare moments when we actually get all three of them together in one place and not looking goofy.

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It's September already

Okay, so I'm not the greatest at keeping up with our blog. But you have to admit, I have a lot going on in my life and not a whole lot of free time to play on the computer. We did manage to fit in a family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC during the last week of August before school started. We didn't spend a whole lot of time on the actual beach due to Katie not liking the ocean, but our resort had 4 pools, 2 lazy rivers, and a playground so the kids didn't much mind. And I think Katie inherited the beach thing from me, I would much rather sit by the pool than be covered in sand.

We are now settled into our school year routine. Katie and Jacob are both bringing home homework now and Jacob starts music class tomorrow. He has already had two practices with his recorder and serenaded me with "Who let the Dog out, Who, Who, Who". I am actually quite impressed with his rhythmic talent after just two lessons. And Katie started taking ballet two weeks ago. Even Dave is back to school taking Surveying Year 4 out of 5. I'll be glad when that is over with, but at least he doesn't sleep with his book under his pillow anymore.

And I'm greeting Fall with two new activities at church - singing in the Praise team and teaching Katie's Preschool Sunday school class. I had a weak moment when I signed up to teach 12 3-4 year olds. So, life is full and full of joy. God be with you.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Yearbook is finally done!

My life the past few months has been consumed with creating the first school yearbook for Jacob and Katie's private Christian school. When I volunteered to lead the project back in the Winter, I had no idea the amount of time involved in researching the software, publisher, compiling the candids, picking out the portraits and then formatting and designing the actual yearbook. Without the help of one of the teachers, I would have been lost. We met many times over June to actually pull the thing together and it went to print mid-July. Now that it is all done, I can look back and feel like I really accomplished something and Jacob and Katie have a yearbook to remember the days when they were in Kindergarten and Pre-school.

Sarah is walking

This was big news two weeks ago, but I'm just now getting a chance to upload the picture. Instead of doing a few steps here and there, she is now walking more than crawling so that has been the development over the past two weeks. She is also cutting her one year molars which has made for a cranky child and a very sleepy mom. I finally got a full night's sleep again over the weekend. Praise God!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our first blog

Once we saw that the Alabama Jordans had a blog, we just had to start our own because they can't be more cool than the Virginia Jordans :). It may take us a while to figure this out, but I think it will be worth it. Keep coming back.